
The point of this entire book is to cause people in the church, and even those not associated with Christianity to recognize various things as ungodly and to repent for these practices. God does not want His people to associate with things that are not a part of the saintly calling and mission.  Get your copy of this insightful book today and learn important truths from God’s Word.

by Mark Burke

The Bible declares many different facets about God and gives specific details, too.  One of these insights is about God being identified as a consuming fire.  In this book, I share from various spiritual experiences God has opened up to me over the last few months.   Join me on this journey and be consumed by His fire and ignited to function in your eternal purpose.  It will be life changing for you.

by Mark Burke

Today’s Christians often choose to overlook and, at times, abandon the purpose of God in order to do what is pleasing to man, even in the religious sector. God wants all of us to move in what God has identified as our purpose in Him.  It is important for His servants to know how to identify and walk daily in that purpose no matter what the cost.  You purpose has been established in the heart of God.

by Mark Burke

The days of Ezekiel are upon the Church, and God is resurrecting the gifting of the watchman to arise in this hour. The religious spirit would say this gifting was only for the Old Testament and is not for us today. This is simply not the truth. The ministry of the watchman is totally necessary for the life of the church today. 

by Mark Burke

If Jesus came to fulfill His Father’s purpose, and we know He did, then it is safe to say that He was the embodiment of that purpose. We are called of the Lord to do the same thing while we are doing the work of the Kingdom of God on earth. Learn more about what it means to be a minister of the logos word.

by Mark Burke

God does allow situations that are not very pleasant to come into our lives. It is not always a cakewalk or easy if you are truly functioning in sonship. It does not mean you have done something wrong or that God has abandoned you. The enemy would love for you to think in this fashion to cause unbelief and confusion.  Get your copy today.

by Mark Burke

Those who are flowing in this dimension of the prophetikos are very prophetic in nature. They hear what the Father is currently saying and doing, and then declare it before anyone else does within the structure of the Church. They are the spiritual ears of the Lord to His Church. This group is to be functioning in the church.  Get your copy today.

by Mark Burke

Many Christians have been drinking milk for too long. God is releasing fresh manna and meat from heaven; opening the eyes of understanding, and training His Saints for these last days. Will you enroll in God’s school of the Saints?  As Christians, we need to embrace all that God has in store for us.  Purchase your copy of the book today.

by Mark Burke

As the people of God, we need to be completely fulfilled in hearing the voice of the bridegroom. As friends of the bridegroom, our responsibilities are to stand and hear His voice. This is our mandate and call before God. Learn what it means to be a person of shama, or an individual that hears and obeys the voice of God.

by Mark Burke

We must ask the Father to open our spirits to receive the deep truths of His Kingdom. We need God?s anointing in order to understand and comprehend all that He is currently saying to His church. We must be trained to be people who grasp what the Lord is doing in this day and hour.  Our Father is calling His people into the deep things of God.

by Mark Burke

Sons are by designation people that are continually moving in spiritual maturity and knowing their God in the depths of who He is. It is not enough to bring people into the kingdom of God. Sonship is a part of the message of the kingdom. The heart of God yearns for sons to be formed in the earth. Do the work of the evangelist!

by Mark Burke

Yahweh/Jehovah revelation is something that has changed my life forever. I am so honored to be able to write anything that speaks of His plan and purpose. It is my prayer that you will cherish what the Scripture has to say concerning this theme. One thing is for certain, the enemy hates it with an evil passion.  Get your copy today!

by Mark Burke


Shama Book

I am so grateful to Father God for all the revelation that he has been pouring out over the years. One of those revelations is the book entitled “Shama”. I am a preacher’s kid, grew up being taught I could talk to God but truthfully, you can’t hear from Him. That never set well with me. When Mark Burke was given this revelation on the term shama and he shared it with the Saints, what an eye-opening experience for me. I can only say that knowing I can hear from God and that I am to obey what He is telling or showing me to do just revolutionized my relationship with Father God.

Robyn McDole - Intercessor

Shama Testimonial

Mark Burke has a powerful gifting to truly bring the scriptures to life. Each time he ministers it is with such enthusiasm. He brings such truth to the Word. God has given him the ability to understand and teach in a remarkable way. After reading the book Shama, I function as a Christian in a different way. We need not just hear from God but take that next step and obey. You will enjoy all of Mark's teaching; he is an excellent minister of the Word of God.

Ceci Collins - Intercessor

Krazo Intercession Booklet

God is always looking for an intercessor. Through many Scriptures Mark Burke demonstrates how powerfully this loud intercession from our hearts will impact the spirit realm and the earth as we offer ourselves this way. Throughout the pages, I realized how important it is to allow the breath of the Spirit to blow deeply within us this way. So do not wait to discover the many facets of this krazo intercession.

Sylivia Binachon - Saints Network Representative

About the Author


I'm  Mark Burke

Mark Burke, Bachelor of Arts. in Preaching/Evangelism and Bible, functions in many different giftings and anointings, but his primary calling is as a prophetic evangelist.  He has served in different leadership capacities as a member of The Father’s Church in Dallas, Texas for several years as a board member, prophetic team leader, teacher, preacher, and speaker at Saint’s Network seminars.  He is the author of numerous books, booklets, courses, and is passionately devoted to boldly declaring the fresh message of the kingdom of God.  He has traveled and ministered throughout the United States and internationally.
